Recently,Dr. Michael O. Smith founder of NADA (US) & Nada International was awarded with Dr Bejoy Kumar Basu Award at IInd Acupuncture Science Association India (ASA India ) conference in Delhi . He was appreciated for his contribution in the field of acupuncture and addiction treatment & rehabilitation through Nada India since 2001. Dr Bejoy Kumar Basu (1912 to 1986) was doctor of modern medicine . he was a great humanist . he introduced , spreed and developed acupuncture therapy in India for large masses of common people .. Read more about Dr.Basu
Barrier Free Service : Use of ear acupuncture for treatment and rehabilitation of drug users at NISD
National Institute of Social Defence (NISD), Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India invited Nada India team to conduct a mini workshop on Barrier Free Service : Use of ear acupuncture for treatment and rehabilitation of drug users . NISD has been organising 3 Months Certificate Course on De-addiction Counselling and Rehabilitation from 12th March to 10th June 2012 at NISD R.K.Puram , New Delhi. Dr.Uttam Singh conducting a training cum acudetox session Dr.Uttam skilled hand in action with NADA acupuncture for well being This training course is to enhance the capacity of service providers (Project Incharge/Counsellors/Social Workers from different parts of India like Kerala,Chattisgarh, Zharkhand,U.P.Nagaland, Shilong,Karnataka,Maharashtra,Tamilnadu, Mizoram,Maharashtra ,Haryana, Rajasthan and Delhi ) of NGOs working in the area of ...