Ear acupuncture based alcohol treatment and rehabilitation services in Border Security Force (Punjab Frontier)
Dealing with depressive disorders - Setting up of Peer counseling and ear acupuncture based alcohol treatment and rehabilitation services in Border Security Force (Punjab Frontier) Depression is one of the most common mental disorders found in the general community and in th workplace. Depression is characterized by sadness, fatigue, a loss of interest in most activities, and lack of energy. Other features, such as insomnia or hypersomnia, loss or gain of appetite, a tendency to blame oneself, and difficulty concentrating are often present. In its most serious forms, it can lead to suicidal thoughts and eventually to suicide (World Health Organization, 2001). Depression can be difficult to diagnose and can manifest as physical symptoms, such as headache, back pain, stomach problems, or angina. The workshops with BSF personnel were intended to relate to the depression created due to work stress and stigma by branding of alcohol users. The peer group counselors were trained in the work...