........NADA ............NADA, the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, which was founded in the 1980s at Lincoln Hospital in the Bronx, has popularized the use of acupuncture for addictions in the United States and almost every European country, as well as Russia, the Middle East, Australia, South America, the Caribbean, Mexico, and South and Southeast Asia. Over 2,000 recovery programs in the United States and 40 other countries now use NADA protocol acupuncture because it has proved to increase their success. Globally, more than 25,000 health workers have completed the NADA training, which can be learned by health care professionals without extensive additional training in acupuncture diagnosis and treatment. NADA protocol for addictions treats clients sitting up in groups, with ear acupuncture, and focuses on mobilizing the existing internal resources of the client. While the patterns of deficiency, excess, and imbalance may vary, with NADA protocol every cl...
In 1999, NADA started working in India under the supervision and international leadership of Dr. Michael O. Smith Today that vision has grown and under Suneel Vatsyayan the co- founder of Nada India. Nada in South and South East Asia acts as an initiator, facilitator and supporter for community initiatives working towards barrier free treatment & rehabilitation services for addiction and trauma by using ear acupuncture (NADA Treatment protocol) as an adjunct treatment .