NADA (National Acupuncture Detoxification Association) acupuncture is a simple standardized three to five point auricular needle protocol that originated as a grassroots response to opiate addiction in the 1970’s. It is increasingly recognized as a nonspecific behavioral health intervention of notable utility in a wide variety of other psychiatric settings and conditions . NADA Protocol Beyond the actual needle treatment, a key element of the protocol specifies qualities of behavior and attitude on the part of the clinician, consistent with what is known as the Spirit of NADA. Mile stones Nada India was registered as a Trust in New Delhi on15th March 2001 with sole objective of promoting barrier free services. Capacity Building: Acudetox Training workshops have been conducted and acudetox programs have been set up in states/UT like Andhra Pradesh , Delhi, Gujarat, Kerala, West Bengal, Utter Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab and Rajas...
In 1999, NADA started working in India under the supervision and international leadership of Dr. Michael O. Smith Today that vision has grown and under Suneel Vatsyayan the co- founder of Nada India. Nada in South and South East Asia acts as an initiator, facilitator and supporter for community initiatives working towards barrier free treatment & rehabilitation services for addiction and trauma by using ear acupuncture (NADA Treatment protocol) as an adjunct treatment .