The holistic healthc are practitioners featured in Unimagined Bridges: Ear Acupuncture Treatment for Disaster Trauma utilize the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association’s (NADA) 5-point ear acupuncture protocol. This simple but effective protocol, commonly known as Acu Detox, has been successfully used for 35 years in addiction programs around the world.
Unimagined Bridges chronicles how Acu Detox was used at New York’s ground zero and in storm-ravaged Louisiana to provide first responders and community members relief from anxiety, depression and inso mnia. T he events of 9/11 had a particular ripple effect in the acupuncture community. In the aftermath of the attacks, a flood of holistic health-care practitioners came forward to offer aid. Two initiatives that resulted from their efforts w ere the walk- in ear acupun ct u re clinics of St Vincent’s hospital in Manhattan, offered t hrough its Integrative Stress Management (ISM) program, and the Community Relief and Reb...
In 1999, NADA started working in India under the supervision and international leadership of Dr. Michael O. Smith Today that vision has grown and under Suneel Vatsyayan the co- founder of Nada India. Nada in South and South East Asia acts as an initiator, facilitator and supporter for community initiatives working towards barrier free treatment & rehabilitation services for addiction and trauma by using ear acupuncture (NADA Treatment protocol) as an adjunct treatment .